Upgrading Python – Django – Mezzanine
After living with Python 2.7 and Django 1.5 longer than I should have…it’s normal for some bugs to happen.
We have suggested to our customers to Upgrade to a more up-to-date Python and Django that will allow their website to be better optimized.
Until this moment… everything normal, right?
Well, there are websites that do not want to maintain it and be aware of updates on a regular basis, and these become outdated over time.
Also, there comes a point where neither Python nor Django support them in any way…worse, they are gradually discontinued by Search Engines.
My obligation is to warn the client:
1) I can help you by maintaining the website periodically
2) I can do strong updates when needed.
It doesn’t matter which one you choose, and who you are, whether you are the developer or the owner of the website, those two options are the ones that can be chosen.
Although there is a third option…always the secret option…
Do nothing…
And that can result in technological suicide.
Little by little the websites begin to have failures, normal failures, and the new technologies are not compatible with the old technologies.
It’s like trying to put a cassette in a USB port.
It is exactly the same with the website, it must be maintained and updated.
And it may be that you have had to be on either side, and we suggest you…
you have to upgrade
You have to help upgrade too
We have helped our clients update their websites so that they remain supportive and secure, as well as fully compatible.
However, it is not an easy process if it is not regularly maintained.
What you need to know about updates:
1) It’s not fast: it takes time, tests are done, and probably they will continue to be tested in different ways, but the libraries are corrected while they are being tested as well.
2) It is not easy: sometimes there are libraries or technologies that have been left far behind and have become completely out of date, we always support finding the best solution to what is uneven, but it is not easy to do so.
3) Could be cheap – This is if and only if you are allowed to have regular website maintenance. It is better to invest a little periodically than a lot when everything is already failing.
We recommend that you take care of your website, it is like a car or a house in which details are taken care of, paint, roof, oil, doors.
Your website is your online branch, and you always need to keep it in mind to make it work as well as possible.
We like to celebrate that everything is fine, let us help you.
You can unplug and we help you update.